Can a victim be injected with cancer cells as a form of assassination?

Ted Kennedy was one of Obama’s first and most loyal endorsers, does the timing of Senator Kennedy’s seizure strike you as an odd coincidence, coming as the Hillary Rodham Clinton machine wins by double digits in West Virginia and is about to do the same in Kentucky? What if, Hillary wins back to back victories and Obama remains stalled. With Kennedy out of the way, the Clinton machine may have the momentum to win with the super-delegates now. Kennedy just days ago said there is no way Hillary would be picked for Obama’s VP.

Jack Ruby died of a stroke due to an undiagnosed form of agressive cancer, just weeks after he agreed to testify before Congress about the JFK assassination. Come on, don’t go there.


The day before the JFK assassination, November 21st at noontime in Assistant District Attorney Ben Ellis’ office in front of 6 others, Ruby introduced himself to Ben Ellis and told Mr. Ellis, “You probably don’t know me now, but you will.” ( quoting report to Chief Curry from Lt W.F. Dyson – Dallas archives )

Ruby paid off a colored employee and said: “You had better get it all tonight, because I won’t be around.” Ruby then went to the Police station on Friday night, the 22nd, posed as a writer or interpreter for Jewish newspaper people, and on the 3rd floor of the police department tried to kill Oswald but could not get the opportunity.(Verified by HUDKINS, reporter of the Houston Post.) The wife of Yitzhak Rabin, Leah Rabin, revealed in a biography, that Rabin was in Dallas when Kennedy was assassinated. There is little doubt that Ruby was connected to Rabin and Israel during those moments he was seeking to kill Oswald. “Yes, Rabin could have been one of the “journalists,” writes Jewish author BARRY CHAMISH.

According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be “the cause of the death of 25 million Jews,” meaning …if the investigators could figure it out.

Ruby’s phoney story: he was “relieving Jackie Kennedy to have to come to Dallas to testify.” But later he said: “the world will never know – nor would they believe – what took place here” and “take me to Washington DC and I will tell you all that I know. I cannot say anything here, I am the only one left that can tell you everything.” Then Ruby conveniently died of “Lung Cancer”. Maybe.

Ruby was noted for blurting out INCRIMINATING STATEMENTS. Many believed that he could not hold a secret or be trusted.
“When they brought in the death penalty, he cracked. Ten days later he rammed his head into a cell wall. Then he tried to kill himself with an electric light socket. Then he tried to hang himself with sheets.”

Then they just helped him do it with “lung cancer”, at age 55. Ruby told his family that he was injected with cancer cells. He had to go, just like Oswald, to conceal the truth.

We will never know the real answer.